Saturday, February 5, 2011

Aggies, School and Robin Hood - A Lineup You Won't Find Anywhere Else on the Internet!

I am going to be pretty busy today with Issy and her Girl Scout stuff and working to get my old computer up and running again. I'm not sure what's wrong with it, but I am gonna give it hell. The cool thing about that is that I don't have a monitor for it so I am gonna hook it up to the HDTV that Heather and I have in our bedroom upstairs. It's not a big TV, just 32", but it should be fun to use as a monitor. Now if Heather will only let me get Major League Baseball package on the computer. :)
I'll leave you with some the posts that caught your attention a while back and a I think they deserve a second look. And awaaaaaayyyyyyyyy we go!
  • We Were All Aggies for a Day - This is the story of a decades old Aggie tradition that went terribly wrong on a November day in 1999, claiming twelve young lives full of promise and making a century old football rivalry a footnote (deservedly so) to the horror that had changed a University and twelve families forever.
  • Toby Goes to School - I got some terrific reactions to this story about me being a guest reader at my 8 year old's second grade class. I had a great time doing it and it lead to a two part story. The link with the title in in it (Toby Goes to School) is the first part of this epic tome. Part 2 can be found here. I think you'll like it.  :)
  • A Modern Day Robin Hood - The idiot in this post  is actually named Robin Hood. Unlike his namesake of hundreds of years ago, this guy ain't even a good thief. Check it out and have a laugh on me.
I may pop in later to let you know how things are going, but I really do have a lot to do to the old computer. I am going to install a new-ish Linux Distro, security software and maybe partition the hard drive and put Windows 7 Ultimate on it. I enjoy doing stuff like this. I always end up learning something new, which is a bonus for diving in head first into playing with computers. Oh, yeah....I may convert the old machine into a server, which would be a first for me. Wish me luck! And from all of us here at the Toby Dome, we wish you a great weekend!

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