Sunday, August 1, 2010

Texas Tidbits : Just Steve and The Lake - Handcrafted By God

My long-time friend Steve Hardy, with whom I graduated from Nimitz High School ('75), still lives in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex that we grew up in. Last night/this morning, Steve pulled an all-nighter on Lake Grapevine and it looks like he's got the whole lake to himself. With Steve's permission, I am posting his observations from his Facebook page.

Steve's Got a Grip

'Steve Hardee Sitting in my boat at the dam Lake Grapevine, putting a fishing pole in the water, listen to the Stones, gazing at the moon (looks to be about half off to the east) the universe looks pretty big for were I am sitting. It is spectacular ! 

'Steve Hardee There is the Glass Cactus at 230am. A dark view from the water. The moon above. I don't think I would be out here if the moon wasn't so bright. I am one of about 4 boats on the entire lake. 85 degrees now, tomorrow will be 105! It doesn't get much better than this, except for next month when my granddaughter is born!

Glass Cactus

'Steve Hardee You can't imagine how amazing it is out here on the lake right now! With any luck the fish won't bother me. The sky is huge and I am so insignificant, well you know. There are no mesquitos and there is a chill in the air!!!!! The tunes are on! The eagle fly with the dove ;) this is you 312am update

'Steve Hardee Ok here is your 420am update. The fish ain't bothering me. I stopped tying. I am now on the south side of the lake. Chest deep in the water about 200 yards from shore. The boat is on the shore and I can here David Bowie playing. Getting kind of tired? I slept earlier. I know this lake like the back of my hand. Oh crap ...

God's Turning On the Lights For Us

Big Orange Ball

'Steve Hardee ‎6 am update. Day break looking awesome.


'Steve Hardee Time for some coffee! :)

When our good friend Clay Money reminded Steve that we aren't 20 anymore, Steve replied thusly: 

'Steve Hardee Clay this goes out to you from your earlier post when you said we are not 20 any more. Well you are right. I am not as good as I once was, however I am better once than I have ever been!!!!!!!! I hope I got that right :) have a great day! :)

Steve, I couldn't have said it better. Good man, that Steve Hardee.

UPDATE : Video added!

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