Monday, April 25, 2011

A New Blogroll Addition!

If you go to the right sidebar and scroll down to the blogroll, you'll find a new name on the list - Beef Blogonoff. If the name alone doesn't grab ya, then scoot on over and give it a look. Beef's daily posts are short, to the point and pretty damn funny.

I just "met" Beef this weekend, and as I understand it, he's fairly new to blogging and would welcome new readers with open arms - and a $20 bribe. OK, I made that part up. He won't welcome you with open arms, but he'll bribe the hell out of you!

Beef, welcome to the Three States Plus One Blogroll! It's good to have you on it.

P.S. You can send my $20 to my PayPal account.  :)

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All Original Material © Toby Shoemaker